Path to the 2010 Final

British Blind Sport Primary Club National Knockout Cup 2010

Path to the 2010 Final
First Round
Sunday 9th May 2010
Warwickshire Bears v Hampshire VICC
At Victoria Park, Leamington Spa
Hampshire: 81 All Out, L Graham 31*, L Sugg 3-16, J Hollingsworth 3-21
Warwickshire: 83/1, L Sugg 51*
Warwickshire Bears won by 9 wickets

Quarter Finals
South Wales Dragons beat Northern Galloways via consession

Saturday 5th June 2010
Sussex Sharks v Essex Tigers
At Blackstone
Sussex: 239/6, M Northwood 58, S Ledwith 53, F Iqbal 2-17
Essex: 170/6, S Miah 47, A Dalby-Welsh 2-19
Sussex Sharks won by 69 runs

Northants Steelbacks v Warwickshire Bears
At Milton Keynes Pavilion CG
Warwickshire: 153 All Out, P Powers 26, D Keeling 4-43
Northants: 117 All Out, M Provan 29, L Sugg 4-17
Warwickshire Bears won by 36 runs

Metro v Yorkshire VICC
At Highgate Woods CG
Metro: 277/2, M Dean 172*
Yorkshire: 96/7 (20 overs), E Conway 22
Metro won by 89 runs after Yorkshire’s target was adjusted due to rain

Semi Finals
Saturday 26th June
Metro v South Wales Dragons
At Highgate Woods CG
South Wales: 141/6, D Wood 39, R Field 3-21
Metro: 143/7 (22 overs), M Dean 43, D Corrigan 3-22, H Greenhill 3-37
Metro won by 3 wickets

Sussex Sharks v Warwickshire Bears
At Blackstone
Warwickshire: 39 All Out, A Dalby-Welsh 3-12
Sussex: 40/0
Sussex Sharks won by 10 wickets

Road to the Rose Bowl
Taken from the 2010 Cup Final Match Day Programme

First Round
Warwickshire Bears v Hampshire VICC
Warwickshire’s glut of England internationals over-whelmed Hampshire’s largely inexperienced side. Hampshire were only able to score 81 All Out, with Lawrence Graham (31 not out) the only meaningful resistance. Warwickshire swiftly knocked off the runs for the loss of one wicket with Andy Powers top scoring with 51 not out.

Quarter Finals
South Wales Dragons v Northern Galloways
Northern forfeited this match, meaning Dragons progressed to the semi-finals.

Sussex Sharks v Essex Tigers
A terrific 133 run opening stand from Si Ledwith (53) & Miles Northwood (58) set Sussex on the way to a big total. Declan Dexter (27) & James Millard (23) also made useful contributions as Sharks reached 239/6 from their 30 overs.
Several Essex players got starts but only Shah Miah (47) got past 30. A tight Sussex bowling performance including 6 overs, 2 for 19 from Andy Dalby-Welsh restricted Tigers to 170/6 from their 30 overs, to see Sharks progress with a 69 run win.

Warwickshire Bears v Northants Steelbacks
You won’t see many games with as many twists as this one. Warwickshire made a shaky start losing Luke Sugg & Nathan Foy early. Paul Powers (26) helped rebuild, but Bears still found themselves with the last pair in with just 110 on the board. Aiden Reilly (20 not out) & Jagdisch Pata (22) added 43 before a fluky run out left their team 153 All out.
Northants then also collapsed with Luke Sugg claiming 3 early wickets to leave Steelbacks last pair coming together with the score at just 57. However Mark Provan (29) & Dave Keeling (25 not out) mounted an astonishing fight back before Luke Sugg finished things off with the score on 117 for a 36 run win.

Metro v Yorkshire VICC
A superb Metro batting performance saw the Londoners wrack up 277/2 from 30 overs with a brilliant 172 not out from Matt Dean. Rory Field (34) & Dave Townley (26) also made useful contributions.
Rain early in Yorkshire’s innings reduced their target to 185 from 20 overs, but with Metro’s high quality bowling attack this never looked likely. They eventually finished on 96/7 with Elliot Conway (21) top scoring, so Metro won by 89 runs.

Semi Finals
Sussex Sharks v Warwickshire Bears
Sussex were fantastic, Warwickshire were awful. Warwickshire with 10 men collapsed to 14/8 before Justin Hollingsworth and Anthony Turnham helped the side limp to 39 All Out. Andy Dalby-Welsh (3-12), Joe Harrison (2-9) & Dave Allen (2-7) were the pick of the bowlers.
Si Ledwith & Miles Northwood knocked off the runs in just 3 overs for a 10 wicket victory.

Metro v South Wales Dragons
Dragons got off to a promising start reaching 59/1 after 10 overs. Dave Wood (39) & Dave Ellingham (20) put on 59 for the first wicket, however Metro used an unusual tactic of bowling their 9 required b1 overs for the match from overs 2 to 10.
From then on Metro’s top level bowlers dominated even managing to restrict big hitting Damion Corrigan to just 22 not out. Heindrich Swanepoel bowled brilliantly conceding just 11 runs from 6 overs with Dragons finishing their overs on 143/6.
Despite the early loss of Rory Field, Matt Dean (43) & Dave Townley (28) took the London side more than half way to their target before the second wicket fell. Dragons turned the game with a blistering spell of bowling from Damion Corrigan (3-22) & Howared Greenhill (3-37). This left Metro needing 24 with just 3 wickets left, but Dave Powers (13 not out) & Amit Amin (0 not out) with help from a number of extras, saw their side through to the final by 3 wickets.